Talk:Main Page/BPHS 4090/microscopy II

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is it possible to download a file sharing programme on a blackberry playbook and then download. maybe vuze or something similar.Today I moved from Kingsport, TN to Sumter, SC and my myyearbook profile keeps showing people from Tennessee when I try to see people within 15 miles of me. How can I change this? Please help <a href=> wyszukiwarka mp3</a> im thinking of buying a new PC which will be able to play the latest games and be used for all the other daily computer things e.g. surfing, music, etc. i can't decide whether to buy the pc with the black edition 955 or 965, i need the pc to be slightly future proof for gaming, i will make an exception for graphic cards. i am not into over clocking, but if i needed i would learn the basics. The 965 will cost me L16 more, is it worth it? i dont have a large budget for the pc so they are my only options. so people help me choose which one is right for me? and if anyone knows any thing about graphic cards is the GTS450 any good and if not what would be a good affordable (less than L100) replacement? ThanksI have connectivity to the internet and all other websites but when I navigate to the connection times out and I am not able to access the site. I've tried accessing with IE9, Chrome, Opera and Firefox with the same result. Any ideas? <a href=>wyszukiwarka mp3</a> When i connect my phone to the computer to upload videos a box pops up saying to insert my memory card or something like that. What do i do. If it helps, i have a samsung 2.0 mega.i have seen samsung laptops they R much cheaper than other brands so what is wrong with samsung? And I am looking for windows 7 os. little confused between amd and intel processors. <a href=>wyszukiwarka mp3</a>Heyy, i moved into my university accommodation and the Uni is providing the internet. I used to play some online games on PC like league of legends and battlefield but like most of the ports are blocked.. is there a way round this ? how to avoid everything being blocked ?my tutor was on it today and all i can remember is that^ <a href=>wyszukiwarka mp3</a> _______________ <a href=>wyszukiwarka mp3</a>

World Dumbest Video Effects!?

i want to upgrade the internals of my Asus K52F laptop and replace it with the motherboard of the Asus K52Jr. It looks like the motherboard has the same ports on the outside but i just want to know if someone else knows for sure.I bought a new laptop screen for my HP DV5 1138TX and installed it and it started flickering so I drove back and they tried a new one and it was still flickering so they told me to try a new LCD cable so I bought one from them so they'd be sure I wouldn't steal as they wanted me to try it and I drove home, installed the new cable and the screen was still flickering so I e-mailed them and told them I wanted a refund so they responded telling me that there is a 20% restocking fee which is going to cost me $40 which is bullshit because I paid $50 for the LCD cable itself and I have never heard of a restocking fee and I think this is ridiculous as they wanted me to try the cable and there was no packaging on it so why the restocking fee? PLEASE HELP [url=]wyszukiwarka mp3[/url] Okay so my ipod is past broken like top and bottom does anyone know a reliable place i could send my ipod to be fixed other than apple -____- for a reasonable price if not less than apples websites or stores if you have any detailed info please tell and also are there any voice looping apps for free because i know a few paid ones such as Loopy , Everyday Looper etc . Anywho if i could get some good answers ASAP i'd appreciate it alot ! S.N : Where can i get a laptop screen fixed too ?i just broke my screen on laptop looking to order a new one and replace it myself...i just cant seem to find anyway to know if my screen is led back-lit or cffl ...any help would be greatly appreciated! <a href=> wyszukiwarka mp3</a> So on Facebook when you want to edit your profile, how to you just make it words, not an entire page link. Like if i want to say i'm christian for religious views, is there any way to get it to just say christian, not show a link that you can click to get to the christian Facebook page? Thanks, i know this is confusing.hi i have a old hp a000 computer and need to restore it to factory settings but have no idea how... it is old i know but my laptops blew up and now need a comp asap any help greatly appreciated x x x x [url=]wyszukiwarka mp3[/url] Although there are some software products that you can get in two versions one for Mac and one Windows it's not the same program... Not one Mac software runs on any Windows version and vice versa.I would like to create a site that offers a listing of all the coupons in my local Sunday paper. How can I do this? Could I create a blog or is there a way to create a site with a free website builder? I don't have a lot of money to put into this, but wouldn't mind paying a monthly hosting fee. [url=]wyszukiwarka mp3[/url]A close system is a system that is not very far away.Windows 7 came with the computer. So If I reset to default. Would it be just as if it's "brand new"? [url=]wyszukiwarka mp3[/url] _______________ [url=órnia)%20by%20maclove.html]wyszukiwarka mp3[/url]